sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2018

The Gerogerigegege - 燃えない腹 (2017; Scrotum Records, Japão)

Artist direct mail order edition of 50 with OBI and Insert. Stamped, Numbered. A.Soul Dracula stolen/re-used as Hiroshi Itsuki's track from 歌はわが翼 = Songs Are My Wings Hiroshi In Las Vegas '77 B. edited as Hiroshi Itsuki's track from 歌はわが翼 = Songs Are My Wings Hiroshi In Las Vegas '77

Álbum lançado em 2017. Lado A traz um tema Funk / Soul, já o lado B é formado por dezesseis pequenas faixas. Limitado a 50 cópias com OBI.

"On April 23rd, 2003, The Gerogerigegege hits the road on 8 city west coast tour. They would them make history by partaking in the first ever all scratch music tour. The unique thing about his record is that most of the sounds were designed and arranged before the group actually rehearsed with it. In other words, you will hear this record and be challenged with questions on how to use the sounds just as they were. With less than 2 weeks to practice, the member took bits and pieces of sounds from this record, and created the vibe featured on this tour. Like any The Gerogerigegege release, this is not your average record, this is an instrument featuring custom made sounds, vintage synths, as well as samples from seminal albums such as "Sketchbook: An Introduction to Good Music".Wether you're trying to mimmick the sounds performed on the tour and album, create original good music, or producing tracks traditionally, there's enough samples to bang our multiple album. A piece of history on wax"

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